



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Monday, August 16, 2010

do you know what its like to live life like you're taking a walk through a minefield. all those grenades just waiting to explode. straining your ears to hear any audible tension or change in tone. and even when you detect it, your efforts will still be futile, like trying to contain water in your hands.
im sorry i cant make you proud. but i hate how you will use everything i care about against me. its weird how i dont recall you being like this. but then again, i have a knack for forgetting unpleasant incidents.
but i can never forget:
1) how you blamed me for making noise when you were taking a nap, when it was obviously my sister and i dont believe that you cant tell our voices apart.( i must have been around 6 and i think this was the incident that made me realise that you were just biased and there was nothing i could do)
2) how you proudly scanned in my sister's class photos into your computer, when you've never ever even looked at mine.
3) how i kicked the toilet door so hard, cos i was so mad with you for making everybody cry.
4) what happened that day when we were back at our old apartment and mummy and i were trying to clear out the stuff in the fridge. and all i remember was being so angry that i wasnt even scared, as i should have been.
5) how you constantly threaten to send the cats away and the countless arguments and fights it has caused.

p.s im actually just scared stiff that my sister's taking her alevels this year, and i want her to do well so bloody badly, because i know that if she doesn't it'll just be my fault again.
p.p.s im sorry that i feel jealous of other people's perfect families.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

