



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Saturday, April 11, 2009

my eyes are really tired, i hope i wont have ninny eyes tmr. hahah, wanna sleep! k, 1.5 hours to go. maybe i shall nap on the sofa. need to make specs soon. at the rate im going, wake up, stuff in contacts, immediately before i sleep then take out, thats like 17hrs, like that die alrd la.shitzxzxzxz. dig out my eyeballs, fix my eyes and stuff them back.
god, please give me perfect eyesight, or the funds to go for lasik:)


Thursday, April 09, 2009

meowrrr, haha im abit sad that my babies dont really like the salmon mousse i got them :( oh well, thank god i only bought 2 packets. was tempted to buy more cos they usually really love salmon. maybe i'll give the other packet to the cat living a few houses away. my blog could do with a couple of pictures, but what to do, my life's not very interesting, and i dont like to take pictures.hhahah. serious.

weekly routine: mon&tues-pp with X, home by 4, online till 12, bathe, sleep
wed-pp with mummy, home by 4, online till 12, bathe, sleep
thurs-home alone, online from 4-12, bathe, sleep
fri- pp with mummy, online from 4-12, bathe, sleep
sat- bedok rise till 2.30, home, online from 4-12, bathe, sleep
sun- church, home, bathe, sleep

like cinderella like that, must rush home by 4, if not my carriage would turn into a pumpkin.see, told you my life is boring, AND VERY ROUTINE!!! i have a love-hate thing with routines. you know, this episode of csi, where the killer could murder this woman so easily cos her life was so routined,that she naps at a specific time daily, ive got a sort of phobia of that. hahaha. k, why would anyone wanna kill me:) omg, looking at the number of times i go pp a week is really scary.hahaha.


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

so im still alive haha, no, i didnt hyperventilate on my way this morning:D and when i reached there i realised all the people were so normal, that i wasnt really terrified. heh, so the dinosaurs in my belly died:) and i was rather calm. really, it wasnt that bad being in the same group as two rafflesians.


Friday, April 03, 2009

yup, so today, some guy called in and started giving me a pop quiz on the US, starting with the coldest state of America, i was like sort of panicking alrd, cos he was counting down and he only gave me 30secs, no time to google. and thennnn, i remembered that Sarah Palin is from Alaska. hahhah, now, Alaska sounds cold, doesnt it, like Antartica, so i typed Alaska, and the stupid guy said'dingdingding', which i infered it to mean that i got it right. so we moved on to the next question. hahha, who was Obama contesting against in the elections. k then, i felt really dumb in taking part in his little pop quiz, cos either he thinks that everyone outside the US doesnt know wth is going on in there, or he thinks we're all idiots. hahah, but he was quite impressed that i knew, hahah dont know why la. anyway, i hope he comes back again tmr:) US trivia time.

freaking out, and technically there's still 2 more days to go, since its 12.25 now. ahhhh!!!
somehow, i feel really insensitive being so scared, so i feel bad that i feel scared. confused and with butterflies in my stomach.
come monday, these butterflies will morph into stampeding dinosaurs.

so all i can do now is have faith:)
