



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Sunday, September 28, 2008

hellooooooooo:) im so tired of working now, though its for barely 8hrs a week? oh man, so lazy.booo.
anyway, more updates on the catties. so mura gave birth, it was scary man, she practically screamed while having contractions, and sushi's fur literally stood up. and he and chi were giving each other these weird in-shock kind of looks. anyhow, she had three kittens on wednesday, but so far the tiniest one, mickey/miki has alrd died cos mura was stressed and stuff:( sad sad:( he was the cutest, stripey, just like chi.

ahha! photos, to provide some visual aid:)

some brotherly love:D

BABIES!! when they were first born

i cant get over the fact that he just looks like hes sleeping!
