



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Monday, June 30, 2008

some people really suck. bah, but me no care! me wants cookie! havent had famous amos in the longest time ever! since like last yr i think. too bad la, constantly broke.

no work, no money, perpetually broke. broke, no food does not equal to getting skinnier cos i just pig out at home.

okay, in fact i can be declared bankrupt. i think i owe up to 100bucks to various people. whatever, i wont be surprised if no one wants to go out with me anymore. grrr.someone, come to my house and start moving away the furniture. i wonder how much my ipod will fetch.

p.s i really cant rmb sheesha's name anymore! rmb sheesha from j1? hahhaha im serious kay! i spent a good 5mins trying to figure it out but i cant! soon it'll be ally and rff's turn. YAY ME!:)


Monday, June 23, 2008

:) :) im so happy right now, i could shout out loud, i could twirl around in circles and only stop till i got so dizzy i'd fall down. :) :)

from ages ago.i look like an old grandmama with my specs perched on the tip of my nose.but since limxiao has been asking for this since idontknowwhen i shall give it to her.hah! viewers' discretion is advised, please cover right half of the photo when viewing.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

pushing daisies is my favourite show ever. i love these sort of fanatsy-ish shows hahha, esp with a narrator:) go watch!

Ned: What's great about knowing? When you lift up a rock, do you find whipped cream? No, you find bugs. I say "no" to knowing.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


so im back from osaka and i miss it alrd. if you think singapore's clean and green and all, you havent been to japan. seriously.and we nearly missed our flight there cause my dad remembered the wrong departure time. so we briskwalked (nothing can make me run) like mad to the terminal, where our gate was so perfectly located right at the end of it. whatever, it took 15mins, walking on the travelator, mind you.so, terminal3 kinda sucks. waaayy tooo big and empty and useless. anyway, pictures!notice anything different:)
(had the weirdest dream of both ally and rff)

on the train to osaka station, where we walked in circles for an hour trying to figure out where the subway station was.

the miniscule room. ahh well. the toilet bowl has the butt washer thing, but not as brilliant as the one in the lobby which even has fake flushing noises to disguise shitting sounds. seriously, the japanese think of EVERYTHING.

and then was my sissy's birthday, so we went to osaka aquarium to let her meet more of her species.

tickling the crab:)

so we covered universal studios, 2days there, nara and its famous deer park, where the deer bit me:( and kyoto.and of course, the aquarium:)

feeding the deer, which are cute and greedy. scrambling for food like they havent eaten in a gazillion years.

some random street in kyoto.hahaha


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

leaving tmr morning. goodbye!
