



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

hello, i'm really happy today:) the fruitseller outside my house is really really funny and entertaining, with all his talk about the mango man, who specialises in cutting mangoes etc. hahahah, and he gave me a packet of free mangoes to eat:) hahhah
and so it went something along the lines of:

fruitseller: (sees me walking past and waves)
me: (sees him waving and smiles)
fruitseller: ni yao qu na li? (so busybody right?but nevermind)
me: hui jia
fruitseller: xian zai cai hui jia ah? (beckons me over to the fridge)
fruitseller: (taking out a packet of mangoes) qing ni chi!
me:???(smiles stupidly) xie xie.

oh man, i should stop now, cos im taking ages to figure out all the hanyupinyin and stuff like that.
but thats the gist of it, but much weirder in reality. this is retarded. anyway, it could be that hes trying to bribe me into buying more fruits from him, after he found out that i stay nearby.booo.

so please! visit the fruit stall near the katong laksa stalls:) so heres some free advertising.hahah


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

know which word best describes how im feeling now? SHIT.

after being put on hold for twenty minutes by the dumb ICA, i gave up and decided that going down personally would be more fruitful. subsequently, everything just sort of got worse. what the hell, and the whole plan's going haywire.SUCKS LIKE MAD!! GRRRRR!

i wish i could say the right words,
i wish i could do the do the appropriate things,
i wish i could have more guts,
i wish i could be less afraid.
yet, all these wishes would get me nowhere.


Monday, April 07, 2008

i caught WE WILL ROCK YOU today with the family and it was FREAKING GOOD! seriously, it was electrifying:) so because of that, we missed church, since it was the matinée show.

anyway, pictures from settlers on tuesday.APRIL FOOLS, gansi and i got fooled by fz. hehh my favourite was the EGG game:)anyway, we kept asking for brainless games with simple easy to follow instructions, yet we were still given braingames. oh well. and its pointless to play those kind of the-one-who-shouts-the-loudest-wins games, cos duh, fz would just be winning every round. and we would all be stuck being best friends with hearing aids.

check out the stalkerish photos, i know fz has a secret crush on limxiao and i:)

oh my goodness, look how happy i am with my EGGS! :D fz's squeezing her eggs like dont know what. hahahaha. too much of my gums are showing, i look like im wearing dentures. why does limxiao only look mildly excited.hahahah, oh shit, i cant even stand looking at my gleeful look.

you must be an idiot! stupid game, but we really discovered who was the trueblue idiot: limsu. really retarded.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

i have no idea whether im making the right choice, but then again, there wasn't much of a choice to begin with. if i were able to relive my whole two years in tpjc, i'm absolutely positive that things would turn out exactly the same way. it's not about how many chances i could have, but the circumstances that matter the most. oh yes, not forgetting the issue of pride, and the restrictions of the weaker sex. because, as much as equality of sexes is proclaimed, the stereotypic mindset has already been etched so deeply. so, bound by the constraints of my gender, i just have to bury this deep underground. as if it was something, so shameless and crude.

i wish this would go away, but eventually, i'd just go on looking for substitutes.
random people, who look like you.
