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Sunday, March 30, 2008

i should just sign up with the ministry of manpower to be a roadsweeper. considering the fact that my career options are so limited. i failed my btt etrial test today, so i cant even drive the garbage truck.boooo.

you won't know how it feels, when despite your heart and mind telling you to move, your body remains frozen. i'm not even expecting myself to be spontaneous or even enthusiastic, but i want to at least give adequate responses so that i can relieve others of the suspicion that i'm afterall, only a block of wood. no pun intended. so my practise of self-restrainment has gone way overboard and i can't reverse it.


Friday, March 28, 2008

hello:) i'd never have thought that teaching kids would be so enjoyable. it's been really amusing to listen to the funny things they say. hahhha racist jokes and whatnot. Ahh, i could do without the uphill trek though. heh. and i nearly died while running/walking uphill today, cos i thought i was late.booo. this week has been my first official week of work, i.e wed-fri. hahha.the pay's not bad too, would probably be sticking to this for awhile.

i can't wait to go visit kusumi in the states:D i want to go to disneyland please:)

oh, and i haven't seen han's man in AGES!:(


Sunday, March 16, 2008

after reading kusumi's and steffi's blogs and their sentimental entries involving tkgs and sentosa, im feeling rather sore and indignant about growing up and officially ending my years of formal education. of course i'd miss tpjc too, but that's a whole different feeling altogether.

and my laziness has gotten the better of me,so fearing that i might leave out certain details, ive decided to just copy and paste their entries wholesale:) on a side note, of course the mep gang is still remembered:D


siminn..mi fren, mi mentor, mi buddy, d shoulder that i can lean on..always.. u've realli inspired mi in many many ways.. thank you for everything.. its all those small sweet simple acts that realli matters a lot to me.. thank you for always being there for me..be it mentally,psychologically,spiritually.. love you always. n dont forget im here for you too..

steffi.. (tis girl has been MIA lately.lol. *apology accpted.hehee).. i cant exactly know what you've been through the past few months.. do cheer up allrite? these things do happen in life.. be strong..n i hope that watever happens, you'll remember to smile..like how you never fail to bring those smiles n laughters everyday in our lives =) we love you for who you are, steffi...
never stop being the sunshine in everybody's lives allrite? i miss you..badly. n i mean it

eviee.. it started with mrs block of wood.. and then we got to know each other better after some time.. mi partner in crime..mi partner in bitching jus about everything and anything under the sun. thanx for companying mi through those bad times i went through.. thanx for being able to share mi joy with you.. i miss youuuu!!!

giraffeeeee!!! you've been so busy working..i havent gotten the chance to talk to you yet. and when u n evie could go online, i was sleeping like a dead log. i'll be waitinggg to catch up with u n evie real soon..i miss d sentosa trip.. the crazy gossips at nite.. laughingg nonstop n not being able to sleep until late cuz of our giggly-laughters. giraffeee!!! lets go sentosa again!!!

arviee..i still remember you and your pile of books.. below that table, are those story books you're hiding from mr.ang lol. you'd be reading and reading non stop.. wherever you go, there'll always be John Grisham books in your hands..n Nora Roberts!! lol. i sat through sec 3 with you and diyanah..and it was realli fun to be at the back..even though mr ang said i was vertically challenged. lol. i finally got to meet and talk to you after such a long time.. and im looking forward to meeting you guys again real soon ..

i realli wan to go back to those good old days..
where simin sat right at the back..yelling at us to get our books from the cupboard...
those times when steffi would tell us all those korean dramas, those jokes..that made us laugh our heads off. whenever we got together, there's neverending laughter..neverending happiness..neverending foolishness that made us happie..
eviee would be lying dead on her desk..looking tired(?!!!?)..listening to the gossips steffi has..and us teasing her with block of wood..teasing simin with mr alex. lol. i didnt forget simin =).. and giraffe would be laughingg and adding on to the gossips with mi..

im glad that i have these beautiful memories of us being happie together back in secondary school.. and i hope that this frenship will never end. forever would be impossible, but i promise to be there for you guys until the day i disappear from this beautiful world...thank you for being a part of my memory..im sure there'll be many many more to come =)

steffi's post: in tkgs when the world was just about us having funmugginglaughing our ass off gigglingthe world then was seriously just about us and frankly speaking those days people may see it as silly people may see it as a waste but i tell you its the best days i ever had:) i really miss those days so much i miss my green uniform i miss pulling my socks down i miss pulling my belt down i miss making fun of ms lui being the hippo

HAHAHAH! my sentiments exactly. anyway, its so MUSHY! actually, although nothing much came out of chem tuition, at least my money was well spent:) so , who cares that i dropped chem in the end. hahhha, if not, i'd never have known them better. and i remember steffi and i waiting outside for y'all to finish, just so that she could catch a glimpse of the much-talked-about BLOCKOFWOOD! HAAH! and and, i havent forgotten about lhy, yihui and qq too!:) i cant seem to find my tkgs-days photos, i think they're in my sissy's comp.shall transfer them some other time:)ms lui is HOI HOI!

but nevermind, teacup's been really nice lately, not like she isn't normally, but ahh, you get it.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

i love HANS MAN!!! i think i could just sit there and stare all day:D i feel so loser-ish cos my whole life revolves entirely around cheap thrills. HAHAHAHA. send me to the nunnery quick!

i think i look like shit in this photo, but then again it's the best of the lot. anyway, limxiao's look is just retarded. so this was the cause of the zara-saga. wow, it rhymes.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008


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