



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

HUNGRY! i want to eat fishballs now:( oh, and fuzhou, limxiao and i quit our job after two hours of work ytd. hahha so, goodbye, clarke quay.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Daddy, please buy this for me:)


Friday, February 22, 2008

The plumber was digging around in the pipes & he saw something shine in the muck & it turned out to be the soul of the last tenant. He gave it to me & I said, I wonder how we can return it. He shrugged & said he found stuff like that all the time. You'd be amazed what people lose, he said.
-the storypeople


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nothing is stranger, more delicate, than the relationship between people who know each other only by sight – who encounter and observe each other daily, even hourly, and yet are compelled by the constraint of convention or by their own temperament to keep up the pretence of being indifferent strangers , neither greeting nor speaking to each other. Between them is an uneasy and overstimulated curiosity, the nervous excitement of an unsatisfied, unnaturally suppressed need to know and to communicate; and above all, too, a kind of strained respect. For man loves and respects his fellow man for as long as he is not in a position to evaluate him, and desire is born of defective knowledge.

- Death in Venice, Thomas Mann


Sunday, February 17, 2008

i hope you know why i cannot stay.

and today, was the day, on which i embarked on my saddest car-ride ever.


Thursday, February 07, 2008

there's this thing about festivities that i dislike. not so much of the small talk that everyone's trying to engage in, but more of the strain that these festivities place on people. and so i try to see where you're coming from, but it's hard to, when we all don't really understand or say how we truly feel.

i recognise that as a couple, it's virtually impossible to be together without any conflicts and all the melodrama, but why can't these be kept at a minimum especially during festive occasions. it has always been this way since cheryl and i were wee kids. all the shouts, screams and tears, have to us, become part and parcel of special occasions, be it christmas or chinese newyear. when your mood becomes more unpredictable than the weather, that's when all my practicing of detaching myself from reality is put to use. but it's just such a pity that reunion dinners are never enjoyable, with silence all round the table. that is assuming everyone is even seated around the table.

and while everyone's anticipating the joys of celebrating with friends and family, i'd just grit my teeth and act like i'm having fun.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

why is everyone getting/or has already gotten a tattoo. isnt it painful:( goodness, i even cry having my eyebrows plucked, so i can just forget about even getting a tattoo whatsoever.hehh, not that i even want one in the first place. sucks, i hope the nerves around my eyebrow area die soon, so that i no longer get laughed at by the people at the place:(
booo, crybaby. the poor people there even have to help me to wipe away my tears. grrrr. its embarrassing alright, they even remember me:( this is not good. need higher pain tolerance. how now?

new and improved version of 7-11. hahhaha


Monday, February 04, 2008

been working for the past week and im soo sick of post offices and such. really really hope dennis pays well.booo. jobless again. shall job hunt after the newyear:)

anyway, the robinsonsroad post office should seriously consider upgrading their telephone. ive never used such a gigantic and ancient phone before. seriously. its antenna was even extended out to the maximum length. the length of the phone itself, excluding the antenna, is approximately the length of my arm to wrist. somewhat like the phone below, but tons more gigantic in real-life.

so im going to walk on by, cause its the only thing i know how. and its on days like this, that make all these differences seem so glaringly obvious.

without lifting a finger you're holding me back.
