



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Sunday, January 27, 2008

seriously, my brain is disintegrating. couldnt spell tiger and rabbit last night. tigger and rabit. oh my god. so work supposedly starts tmr. lets hope it actually does, for real. journeying to amk again. bah.

because i've always known that two and two makes three.


Friday, January 25, 2008

GRRRRR! stupid guy, god knows what his name is, stood fuzhou and i up today. AHHH! super angry. just thinking about it makes me feel like killing him. booo. having to wake up at 7 and travel all the way to angmokio, is so not funny. after having waited for him at the mrt for half an hour, he happily called up to say that he's not free today, so we can just scoot off home, and be there at the same time tmr instead, as if we live just nextdoor from amk mrt. WTH! he jolly well knows that we live like so damn far away and he still smugly insisted that we meet at angmokio:( worst still, he refused to tell me where is geylang east ytd. idiot! i feel like quitting alrd, when the job hasn't even begun.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

the jobless life is really good:) unfortunately, its set to end soon. bahh, i cant believe fuzhou and i blatantly lied to the guy about knowing where the training is going to be held at. separately and unplanned. hahhah. ladies and gentlemen, i think we've got ourselves, an ego problem.

anyway, caught beauty world last week, but only took photos with the cast the day after, weird huh.

the microphones sticking out of their hair gives them a rather extra-terrestrial look.dont you think.

and heres from the embarrassing orchard photo-taking adventure.hehh.

boy oh boy, look how you've grown.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Piece by piece, and bit by bit
I’ll break this down for you, real slow
But I can't whisper all of this
And I can't seem to let this go

So I’ll watch the matches, turn to ashes
I’ll watch the matches, turn to ashes

I can tell its your turn,
I smell the sulfur so clear
And fire's a beautiful sound
And the wings that you burn
turn to ashes my dear
And ashes just fall to the ground
Yeah we're only ashes

Part by part and inch by inch
You'll have your mile when its through
Incinerate what’s left of this

And torch the part of me that's you

So I’ll watch the matches, turn to ashes

I can tell it's your turn,
I smell the sulfur so clear
And fire's a beautiful sound
And the wings that you burn
turn to ashes my dear
And ashes just fall to the ground
Yeah we're only ashes

I can tell it's your turn,
I smell the sulfur so clear
And fire's a beautiful sound
And the wings that you burn
turn to ashes my dear
And ashes just fall to the ground
Yeah we're only ashes


Sunday, January 13, 2008

i like to laugh to myself.its great fun. try it:)

i look like a man, think like a man and act like a man. sucks. might as well just go be a man and join the army, to defend the country and protect its sovereignty. too much testosterone i think): please god, dont let me fully morph into a man, i cant defend the country.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

im so pathetically jobless:(i think my hamster's the only one who's actually happy to see me rotting at home, cos i feed her when ive got nothing better to do

anyway, im just soooo amazed by the discoveries ive been making these few days! HAHAHAH! cant wait for dinner on friday to share with the rest! HEEEEHH:D must go out more, to see more exciting things!this is so darn incoherent, but i dont care cos im confused, happy, sad and shocked simultaneously.


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

coin operated boy
sitting on the shelf he is just a toy
but i turn him on and he comes to life
automatic joy
that is why i want a
coin operated boy

made of plastic and elastic
he is rugged and long-lasting
who could ever ever ask for more
love without complications galore
many shapes and weights to choose from
i will never leave my bedroom
i will never cry at night again
wrap my arms around him and pretend


Monday, January 07, 2008

so i keep a box of tissues in the toilet, just for convenience sake. i just wish i could soundproof it too.


Sunday, January 06, 2008

If I don’t listen to the talk of the town
Then maybe I can fool myself
I’ll get over you I know I will
I’ll pretend my ships not sinking
And I’ll tell myself I’m over you
Because I’m the king of wishful thinking
I am the king of wishful thinking
I’ll get over you I know I will
You made a hole in my heart
But I won’t shed a tear for you
I’ll be the king of wishful thinking
(I’ll be the king of wishful)

I’ll get over you I know I will
I’ll pretend my hearts still beating
Cause I’ve got no more tears for you
I am the king of wishful thinking
(king of wishful thinking) no


Saturday, January 05, 2008

sometimes, we put up walls, not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to knock them down.


Friday, January 04, 2008

when i went back to tkgs ytd, mostly everything looked the same. damn, it even felt the same. the slight nervousness when mdmkhoo approaches. hahha. i pinned my VISITORS badge proudly on my shirt(:

and so we were contemplating on wearing our old uniforms to pretend to be sec ones having orientation. hahh, who could we kid though. i want to try that in tp. might fare better there.heh.
angweejin said that he remembers me as the girl slumped on the table sleeping:( this is not good. at least i reckon i didn't sleep in class all that often in tp.

i might be suffering from chronic fatigue, cos it doesn't matter how much i have on my mind, the sandman still steals me away.

funny how a fence could make a world of difference.
so lets play pretend.


Thursday, January 03, 2008

in many ways, school disguises the differences we all have. perhaps it's the attire that causes this, but somehow, this superficial oneness is also paired with the false perceptions of our fellow schoolmates' characters. impressions of how they really are, fuelled by one's own wishful thinking and expectations, are derived simply from observations of their behavior.

maybe its been too much to expect, so after finally realising that i've been living a daydream, it's time to start the newyear with a clean slate.

the above refers to the one mentioned in my december fourth post, in case you were wondering.

and just because of my intense dislike for party boys and such.
