



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Saturday, November 18, 2006

<3 <3 hahhaa. this is my newfound love. move over mara and potato.:) lookee, he's even using the same phone as me. yayy:) okay, i'm being dumb.

leaving for taiwan on monday. bahh, apparently its getting hotter there, around sg's temp. what's the use of having fourseasons then. i hopehopeHOPE there's gonna be nice stuff to buy.

and i cannot believe the dad just yelled at me cos my phone rang but i didnt pick up cos i couldnt hear it. ughh.and my jacket's not back yet. boooohooo.

shall go down to swim soon, the heat's killing me): whyohwhy cant it be snowing or something in taiwan.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

ohh yes, some stupid bitch stole my jacket)': and she's a damn rich freak la. besides, she ignores my sissy's smses to get her to return the jacket. bloody idiot. grrrr. i hate her. hmph. thank god it wasnt kermit she stole or i would have stalked(since its what i do best) her home and chopped her up with a, well, chopper.
bloody asshole, who takes photos with people she's not very close to since she has zero friends and calls them her bestfriends. one word: LOSERR.
oh my, how i hate you.):< gahhh.

OOH, ive got a new bag(:


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

this is for the sissy, just cos she's been quite sweet lately(: she has a beegfattongue. heh.

the rainy weather makes me feel cold and i dont feel like bathing, but i dont wanna be stinky.
the comps making weird whirring noises):
ahh yes, goldenmilecomplex freaks me out. and i keep seeing dead animals these days. booo.

somehow, im wishing that my birthday never comes. i dont wanna grow old please. where oh where is peter pan. hahhhahhah. who gets it?(:im just kidding. so kusumi, giraffe, strawberryshortcake and whoever else, stop laughing at me, will you.hehh

If someone said three years from now,
You'd be long goneI'd stand up and punch them out
Cause they're all wrong
I know better
Cause you said forever
And ever
Who knew.


Friday, November 10, 2006

But I don't know enough, I get some kinda lazy day (:

hehh, the teevee's blasting tamil cartoons, cos im too lazy to roll the chair over to switch channels after power rangers on kidscentral ended. the hermit crab's eating veggies:) i would very much like cable please.

shhh, dont tell anyone, but baba and i stalked mara home today. yayy. any day with mara is always good ehh.:D we ate prawn mee. oh, lazy constipated>_< woman went home after op. bahh. well, at least i didnt stay back for nothing:)

probably meeting the MEP gang tmr. ahh, but i'd be going house-hunting with the parents first.oh man,gonna get evicted soon):

lets eat prawn mee
prompt me?
yes, prawn mee
hah? prompt you for what?
i think theres something dreadfully wrong:) hehh.

I NEED NEW SPECS:D (this is the longest post in ages, which is a good thing, no?)


Thursday, November 09, 2006

At this moment there are 6, 470, 816, 671 people in the world.Some are running scared, Some are coming home.Some tell lies to make it through the day, Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men at war with good, And some are good struggling with evil.Six billion people in the world, six billion souls, and sometimes all you need is one.


Monday, November 06, 2006

-KusuMi- [s]fate brings us together.[/s] says:
im like 1.4 of u
-KusuMi- [s]fate brings us together.[/s] says:
1/4 i mean
the perfect recipe but something wasnt there misses kusumi(: says:
the perfect recipe but something wasnt there misses kusumi(: says:
the perfect recipe but something wasnt there misses kusumi(: says:
the perfect recipe but something wasnt there misses kusumi(: says:
you got vaire vaire little skill

who wouldve guessed she was talking about our score on minesweeper. hehh.


my eyes are itching like hell)':
type, rub eyes, type, rub eyes.
bahh, im bored with my 96word i&r and am off to find a new blogskin.
washing my face religously three times a day in hope that coms next year my zits would be all gone. goodbye, i wont miss you. HAH. :D
im not placing a toe out of the house today. its just one of those im-fat-and-ugly days:(


Saturday, November 04, 2006

i dont belong on this earth
somebody please
fly me to the moon:)

gonna watch the hunchback of notredame later at the indoor stadium. i hope its nice:) strawberry shortcake bullied me into trying gross, weird dresses with her ytd:p i&r sucks. i cant seem to get started on it:(

i want MONEY please.
