



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

this is my love declaration for bus number twelve:

i LOVE you number twelve:) no matter how smelly you are, how crowded you are or how long i have to wait for you to come, causing me to be late for school, i still love you. VERYVERYVERY MUCH!! yes, i hate those people who litter in you, or who lift their verysmelly feet up on your seats. i especially love you handicap-friendly ones:)with your bright yellow seats and clear plastic handle things.

love, evelyn.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

im praying for some crazed fool to set fire to tpjc:( then, there'd be nomore promos.YAY:D
oh my god! i just found a squashed lizard on the speaker things next to the comp. yucks. i shall go sniff at it to see if it stinks. just for fun. oh, it doesnt. :)

hahahahhh!! i feel feverish:( and my head's throbbing. well, guess who i met at the airport ytd. KANGKANG!! :D she doesnt wanna forgive me for not calling her when i crashed mj:'( but i thought i did call her though.
i think the airport's toilet is great fun:) i got edd to leave one of her hair extentions that fell out on the toilet seat of some random cubicle. we shouldve waited for an unsuspecting shitter/pee-er to go in though. hee:)
and i saw this girl who tied a small ponytail on the top of her head, like what i was doing during extra econs. super funny. lover and i were laughing like mad. okay fine, more like me. she was laughing at me laughing. i cant believe how nice i was to send her all the way from popeyes to the mrt station.
baba and i were telling each other ghost stories until we were so scared to walk home cos it was alrdy so dark. ahh, i practically ran home.



Friday, September 15, 2006

hahahh, today's a happyhappy day:) it has been like the best day of the week. yay. 'evelyn has a sore throat. i saw her eat an entire bucket of kfc at someone's party.' thankyou very much ah. even worse ' somebody else saw her eat a box of chocolate too.' damn funny la. cheng gives weird examples. tsk. ooh yes, pw was cancelled. thankgod that flasher wasnt here today:) so we went to the library and practically everybody was there:D including mara of course. hehh. but i left my rubberband in the library:'(

parkwayed after school with my lover, and she abandoned me while she went to pluck her eyebrows:'( so i hid in the toilet cubicle, and froze my ass off there. luckily after a while justine called to say that she had reached so i could emerge from my hiding place and not feel so loser-ish.hahhah, went to beekay to lunch and study. the stupid management was like trying to shoo us away cos they purposely tuned the radio in between stations so that there was just a WHOLE lot of static. bahh. stupid lover and justine kept on making me laugh, with ms swan imitaions and whatnot.

ohh and my lover tried to steal my pencil. when we were leaving, she just snatched my pencil away from me and stuffed it into her pencilcase. imagine how shocked justine and i were. stealing right under my nose.tsktsk. see what history does to your brain. my pencil is BLUE and hers is like ORANGE.

chop chilli chop chilli chop! hahhhah. thats who we met at parkway. had to cab home cos was running late and i wanted to catch the last bit of charmed. i think the fare was quite ex though, threetwenty, considering how near parkway is from my house.

econs extra lesson tmr.:( i dont want. and i just realised that the chinese exam is actually alevels. i though was some playplay one only. how ahh, i need tuition from the corpse.hahah!


Saturday, September 09, 2006

ahh yes, im having a terrible rash/mosquito bite thingy now:( and its itching me to death. but i cant scratch:/ KUSUMI AND I are sending someone on a WILDGOOSE CHASE:D terribly FUN! yayy i like:D fun fun fun ;)

japan was fine i guess, i kind of miss disneyland alrdy. i have not studied a single itsybitsy bit since i came back. apart from atttempting to complete my lit journal:( this is definately NOT GOOD anyone wanna study with me after school:( bahh, im sooo unproductive.

im lazy to upload pics. some other time then.


Friday, September 08, 2006

replies: yelsel: thats the only exhibit youre interested in right? hahh they didnt have la. only had a black handed spider monkey exhibit and it looks quite like you. same hair colour with black hands;) hee. no i didnt get lost! tsk. she didnt go? why? must have gone to climb the empirestatebuilding.
vanessa: yesyes, thats why im keeping the door locked;)
huiyan: sec 4? are you sure? yes, i was in japan. heh. ive got food for you:)
suying: you shouldve gone to the zoo man! there were like SEVEN gorrillas and they kept on asking me where were you.
cheryl: whateve la CHERYLTANXIAOPEI! tsk greedy pig. eat and eat!
xiaohui:you wish is my command. heh. im BACK alrdy:)
adora: HELLOback. hahha. hows mj? :)
kusumi: :) :) and you dont be sad okay:) ive been missing you since godknowswhen.


'What" will your obituary say?' at QuizGalaxy.com


Saturday, September 02, 2006

hah! so yes, im in sushiland now. staying in a tiny hole:( the room's puny. then again, maybe its just cos im big. hahah the plane ride here was sucky cos we were late and still had to listen to those damn police officers give us some pep talk on what not to bring on board and hadta like go thru a MILLIONGAZILLION baggage checks. we couldnt get seats together so i ended up sitting next to this mum. the little boy looks quite like potato, i was like ogling at him thruout;) OH, little jap guys are cute:) cant say the same for the big ones though. this is sounding sooo wrong. ahh well, time to go, i might be climbing mount fuji tmr. if my uncle's free to bring us there that is. ive read TWOchapters of GREATexpectations on the plane. cos the inflight entertainment was boring the shit out of me. justmyluck was one of the movies, i couldve saved eightbucks. WOOhoo for me, i think about 7864641534more chapters of GREATex to go. hahh, im never gonna finish it.
OH YES, the hotel is like walking distance to the zoo.wth!


Friday, September 01, 2006

ahh, yes, its cold outside and im feeling warm and fuzzy inside, so im browsing through my photos and i feel abit tingly.hahh! i miss certain people from teekay, and i would be lying if i said i miss 4e6'05 cos being me, i dont like manymany people from there. i think im quite extreme, i either like you or i dont. theres no neutral for me.

if only there could be one more day like that:)


dear mep gang, im sorry for being such a grumpy ass ytd. you wont know how terrible i feel abt just walking either ahead or trailing behind y'all. ahh, i just wasnt in the mood to talk i guess.

secTHREE: i rmb it was before MEP and we had to take a grp photo for class noticeboard:)
that was when i still had my BRACES and LIEWhuiyan had yet to put hers on.hehh, back when we were still demure. hah, wait a sec, i still am! yes, i AM abit shameless;)


leaving my hse in approx 7 hrs time. i like leaving in the wee hours of the morning, then i really feels like im going overseas:) i dont really wanna go cos its nt winter there. i like wearing BIGjackets to hide my fats. but then again, with my haircut, i might be mistaken for a guy AGAIN! tskk, i MUST behave more feminely:D

how d'you find the new blogskin;)oh yes, and xiaodaohui, please get well.
hahah, everyone, await gifts from the land of sushi:)
