



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Thursday, August 31, 2006

my head is spinning like mad, and im feeling all cockeyed:( its been like this all week and my throat feels funny too. please tell me im not falling sick. cos im going on a holiday and it would be damn troublesome, not forgetting that id probably be well by the time sch starts=no missing of sch:(
rushed arnd to and fro and fro and fro.ahahah. i thought the tp concert was quite good though. however, my opinion might be influenced my EXTERNAL factors.HAH! today was mcdelivery woman day for edd and i. tsk. and poor edd left her snakeskin wallet on the bus):
damn tired by the time i met the mep gang. ughh.didnt feel like talking :( hrmph.
bahh, lit tmr:( im nt looking forward to it. leaving for hellokittyland at 4plus sat morning and only back at 1plus next sat morning. someone please tell me how am i nt gonna flunk my promos? as eddy would say it'why like that!!'*gives incredulous look*


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

chopchopchop up your brain:) your heart too if you want:D theres nt much else to chop after youve chopped off almost all of your hair.

potato's reaction was well..expected i guess.
was dead in sch today all thanks to history. gt home and slept till now. ughh. i dont feel happy. why though?
nt going back to tk tmr. its impossible since i wanna watch tp's concert to kaypoh abit(: but meeting up with the rest after im done.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

im dead tired): just sent the flasher the bloody eom. bahh, ive still gotta do my history essay. shit man, ive gt no idea how to do it la.

i made a heartshaped cookie at giraffes hse just now:) and LIEWHUIYAN'S gonna give it to POTATO for me:) YAYYY:D hahahah oh man, i cant wait la.

im officially cuckoo:p


Sunday, August 27, 2006

woke up to an empty house today. i think everyone's mad at me cos i locked myself in my room the whole of ytd. bahh. im terribly irritated): they went out w/o me. whatever.

my mum is soo stingy with cash that isnt even hers. she doesnt even wanna give me money to eat! like hello, ive gt to maintain my size;) hahahah. and she took two of MY( although i didnt buy them) MUSELI bars to eat. no wonder she tells me she doesnt have to spend money on food. i think i spoke approx 5 words to her ytd.

my teeth hurt like crazy, they must be decaying, since i always conveniently forget to brush my teeth before i sleep:) heh. ahh, at least the pain would stop me frm eating so much.

i miss my hair):


Saturday, August 26, 2006

woah, i havent blogged in a week. good huh. not like ive been doing anything productive anyway.anyway, went to eddy's hse on wed after sch cos she was still nt well yet. nad bought ben&jerry's, lychee drink, kinder surprise and POPPOP! for her. heh(:

look what poppop laid:) edd the glutton. heh.
eddy the wicked witch of the east;)

thursday, was horrid and nice. pe sucked like shit cos i ran the bloody 2.4 and failed and it was like ugghh. and i cried, which is of course a post 2.4 failure tradition thingy. and i forgt to bring my pe shirt, had to borrow frm gen. ahh, but my lover bought snickers for me.yay:) but lover only ran one round with me): but edd ran three(: heheh. bathed in sch, which rocks man. oh, and parkwayed after sch.

friday was fine i guess, but eddy and i had sudden bouts of sleepiness. hahahh. and we all went slightly mad with the toothpicks eddy koped frm sakae.

ed, edd and eddy( right to left)

okay, so i went a little mad with the chocolate and making ratfaces;P

pignosed edd

and eddy went the maddest. with her toothpick:)

after sch, ed, edd and eddy intended to go home after leaving the rest to head to tm. but on twelve, we decided that we were starving so headed to parkway again. i swear im going there more often than when i was in tk. hehh, anyway, watched the trailer for nexttopmodel on tvmobile and eddy came up with a crazy suggestion that we shld shave our heads. but it was too A.S so we decided to chop our hair like really short. went into some random hairsalon on impulse at roxy square. and taadaa...

it went frm...


and our beautiful long. limpid, in edd's case, hair is all gone):

boooohhoooo. and i look so terribly butch;( bahh.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

anyway, giraffe's and edd's birthday ytd. hah!
econs was well, sucky. and i managed to take a photo of mara too. im soo happy:)
i feel like boring everyone with explicit details of what i did ytd hee:) wont the cheng be proud.
6.30: woke up frm the dead.
7.10: scrammed out of the hse but nt before extorting money frm the parents.
7.20: boarded bus, hoping that mara would take it.
7.40: mara boards bus:))woohoo.i scream silently with joy.
7.55: reached sch stop and had to walk ALL the way to the bloody main gate.
8.01: econs test 1 begins.
8.02: stoning
8.10: still stoning
8.15: start writing crap
9.01: econs test 1 is over.
9.35: econs test 2 starts.
9.36: realised that the nicenice photocopying lady gave me four copies of the same article.
im getting lazy to continue this stupid thing that i started. ughh/
so after econs, parkwayed via 12 for EDD'S birthday lunch. eddy has a hard time controlling her actions. tsktsk. i had a plate piled with onions frm vaneh, orange, baba and gen. hee:) i love onions. sang a birthday song to EDD at the secluded smoking corner. and we received weird stares. heh. she shared the lovely heart-shaped cake with YENNY! hahahh. im soo proud of myself for messaging him to tell him to wish EDD happy birthday. hee:) but he stupidly went to tell her that i told him to. bahh.
rushed down to orchard to meet giraffe, qq and BARBARAliew. woah, somebody gt scandal ah. walked arnd for ages to let that dumb giraffe chose her present. ughh. they kept on telling me abt how gay potato's voice is. ohwell. giraffe's smart. she said she wanted slippers and chose a pair of havanias. nydc-ed. im soo nt gona be able to do my napfa nxt week. bahh.
anyway, i reached home and just collapsed and died on my bed.

SUPERSUPERDUPER BADBAD NEWS:( sheeshas friendster's gt photos of him and his gf!!
dammit!! im bloody sad:(


Friday, August 18, 2006

damn econs test tmr. in approx twelve hrs time:( bah, i like to countdown hours:) its quite exciting. as much as i would want to stay up all night to study i know id be fast asleep by twelve the latest.
frantically printing out any remotely econs-like article now. ughh, i know im gonna fail, which is why i cant really be bothered.
piano exam today, i REALLYREALLY hope i managed to atleast pass. and its was the tenth time im taking a piano exam. huh.

and my sissy's friend spilled raw egg on me beloved kermit. i feel like stoning her to death. grrrrrr!!! asshole:(


Thursday, August 17, 2006

replies- yelsel: okay, i shall send you to check out the deco at sin hoe alright. i know youre just waiting for an excuse to go there.;)
irra: see, you gt one alrdy. although i have no idea why TARDDD tagged on MY BOARD! hee, everyones jealous of me:D
TARDDD: eh HELLO:D, hahha! since you tagged here youve gotta tell me what you wanna tell irra!
xiaohui:hahha! you are soo mushy la! heee:D but i love you too la;) yes, mara's gt sexy legs;)


Sunday, August 13, 2006

grrrr.dont ever buy bags frm icon again. i cant rmb exactly which shop, but the bloody china woman conned mine and peeni's money. ughhhh. i feel like THE HULK. i wanna tear my bag apart. bah.

changi-ed ytd, i was late, so didnt get to do any potato spotting:( the relatives were being over friendly and there were babies everywhere. my cousins are like bloody baby-making factories, i tell you. dont see them for a year, and POP, they've alrdy gt two children. i wonder how they do it.i was in a terribly bad mood, cos noone was replying my desperate sms-es, and my phone was going nuts.

is changi even near to m'sia? cos singtel abandoned me, and left me with maxis and my digi.

uncle#3: eh, evelyn, where are you now?
evelyn: uhh, school you mean? tpjc.
uncle#3: oh, you dont smile much anymore.
evelyn: *trying hard to force a smile
uncle#3:you look quite run down

it was quite noisy, so i asked my sissy what he said and she was like' run down, y'know, like when you get hit by a car?' tsk.i wonder how many times have i been run down. heh.

ooh yes, and an uncle-in-law if theres even suchathing asked me which MISTER i was msging. of course i didnt get it and just stared blankly at him. abt two minutes later, i burst out laughing. i would like a MISTERchew/MISTERlim/MISTERchua/MISTERmirza in that order please:) id be good:D

i hope my aunty and cousin visiting frm japan stay at my hse, cos im renting out my room and charging my dad $10 a night. a good rate, i say, its cheaper and cleaner than sin hoe;)


Saturday, August 12, 2006

replies- suying: you tutubabasucius KINGKONG!! the gorillas are gonna get you. WATCH OUT!
dickson: i miss you too:) I <3 YOU and i dont deny that i have a lovely face:D



hahahahahahahahahahahah. nobody tag please if nt sheeshas tag would be gone.
changi changi later, i hope potato's there :)




Friday, August 11, 2006

todays sucha eat-a-lot day. hahha.
1. toasted garlicbread
2. macaroni and potato
3. bobo's cake
4. banmian
5. malt candy (one whole tub for $1.80, cheapo man!)
6. chicken rice/ popiah

hahahha! as if anyone wanted to know what i ate.
so anyway today was SOOO embarrassing:( i just threw the tinyitsybitsy bit of face i had left away, in frnt of mara:( imagine chocolate cream dripping outta my wideopen mouth. talk abt wrong place at the wrong time.ahh.
parkwayed as usual friday routine. heh. fridays rock:D this is my absolutely favourite week, apart from a tiny problem. ive gt three tests and piano exam next week. well done, evelyn. youre soo totally nt prepared for ANY of it. id be happy if i even get out of it alive.


GODMOTHER:D if only there could be a kinderbueno one:) the ultimate.


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Evelyn Tan --

A real life muppet

'How" will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

WTH!! so now im a MUPPET?!


i kinda wish i was a fairy princess
so i could zap all those bad kids who hate me
and turn them into little froggies
so they would bug me no more
or i wish i was a fairy princess
so i could kiss that cute little boy
and live a 'fairy-taley' life
where dreams come true:)

isnt it soo sweet:) heh. but its too cutesy. no?

i hate peedoubleyou:( it really sucks. bah, im gonna return the yrbks tmr. i hope i dont regret it. ahhh!!


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

nat day celebrations ytd was fine. especially the singing part:) overdose of mara and sheesha. but still, i like. i LOVE 'Stand Up for Singapore' , im sure vanehneh does too:) the poor girl fell down while running in her birkenstocks for the cab. hope its better. we waited for more than halfanhr for a bloody cab. pinkpanther stole our merc cab. im sooo gonna boycott her lectures.

kbox was fun. the seats were so comfy i didnt wanna leave. bahh. i want comfy seats like those in my home nxt time. ooh, and ive gt the yrbks frm 2002-5 frm yenny(lesleys' handsome). :D

ahh, but whats the point anyway. SHITSHA:(


Sunday, August 06, 2006

;( ;( ;( im sooo bloody sad abt every damn thing. ;( ;( ;(
i could just burst into tears right now.

oh, and i kicked my dad today, but only cos he stepped on MY foot first.BAHH. i guess i DO have violent outBURSTS.how?

anyway, i think shits and mara are together. ohwell.


Friday, August 04, 2006

ive gt a new bag:) and i gt it quite cheaply. if theres even such a word. buut, i still owe people money. seems like id be repaying debts for the rest of my life. ughh. i need more money puhlease.
ohh, know what, im soo addicted to making ratfaces when taking photos. yay, and the seasports photo, yes the one with my humongous legs, reached top 20 on tpjc.net. must make it top 10. hahahha.

why do you always scold me and then act sad that im angry and be soo super nice to me, so that im nt angry anymore? :(

maths lect tmr for three bloody hours. only good thing? hope of seeing mara for three hrs:D ohh, and sheesha is an acquired taste:)


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

i was thinking during geepee, and i realised that im nt really over mara. :( anyway, i missed a great opportunity today. hmph.

oh, and check out the pics RE put on tpjc's photoshare. id eat my socks if anyone says that i look fine in them. ughh. to think that mara would definately see it. prepare a paper bag for him to puke.

looking like a total pervert. i have nooo idea why.

crosseyed and with huge disjointed legs. BAHHHH!!!


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

my phone has been ressurected:D hahah. im damn happy okay.

voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir ;)
