



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i havent blogged in abt a week. so ccts are finally over, altho to me they never seemed to even have started. at least i can stop feeling guilty now.
went to watch just my luck after lit ytd. twas the crappiest show ever. re was trying to be smart by predicting what wld happen nxt. I CANT WAIT FOR TUESDAY:D
oh and feast your eyes:

yesyes, thats the string gown, with a tiny bit of my foot:)

and i swear, goldfish is such a bitch. she was like bitching abt me to this guy sitting nxt to her. stupid idiot! and she keeps on flirting with re's bear! i wanna smash her fish tank.
and im traumatised cos the pw teacher flashed her boobs at me:( and shes like old okay and its a mixed sch. yuck! shes gross.
not going to sch tmr:D but theres still piano:(


Friday, June 23, 2006

my eyes are tearing like mad. shit. i hate to tear. my eyes feel so wet and its making me sleepy. :((((
and im 47864513321% sure im gonna fail math AND history. just like in teekay. i rmb how i gt 9.7/100 for 1st semester. fo course the parents were called in. bah. i might nt even get 9.7 this time.
econs project is doomed. bloody ratface. i hate her.
ytd, i saw someone who looked exactly like mara frm the back. made me happy for a while. until he turned arnd, when i was abt to start stalking him.
i cant wait to: plant a potato with re in tp, and carve me and mara's names in a tree with vanehnehnipoopoo( stupid longlong name) of course she'd be carving diff names;)


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

i RAN 1.6km today:) i know its nobigdeal, but its me. HAHA! OH, and it was on the treadmill so i cldnt stop. anyway, i realised today that tweleve goes all the way to downtown east. i didnt manage to sneak into the PRESTIGIOUS club. stupid people, eyes so sharp for what. tsk. studying with giraffe is good:) cos she can teach me math. too bad i cant teach her anything. we went to beekay at downtown to study. which i did. a bit. hahaha. then our butts ached so we went to expo, wanting to go to rocky master, but the stupid whole expo was crowded with office workers etc. and they drove a car each!! they shld seriously carpool. then wanted to go to siglap starbucks but it was crowded, so went to macs instead.HAHAHAHAH!
OH! I WORE MY DICKIES SOCKS TODAY:D they are my lucky socks:)
the whole hols i have been sock shopping like mad la!


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

oh, i forgot.
replies here:
suying- hmph. then your hse must be crawling with cockroaches then. heh.
irra- HELLOOOOO:D its a nice pic eh.HAHA!
peien- yay:) youre here.HAHA! im a good photographer eh. and i wasnt jumping arnd la!
vanessa- tsk. always tag me! hmph.HAHAHAHA!


its quite a lot shorter now. HAHA! my sissy cut it for me. i tried chopping my own fringe but it was a disaster:( i feel quite brainless now cos my head feels light.hahaha. OH! and i saw ms yeo at century square ytd. she gave me a fright la.
tmr im going with giraffe to her country club gym.HAHA! we're gonna excercise:) then study. bah. i dont wanna excercise. im getting FATTER!

Once you are tagged you MUST write an entry about 6 weird habits/things you do/odd information, as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names:
1. i seldom comb my hair:) HAHA! my hair is very good one, dont need to comb.
2. i like onions and garlic. cooked ones la. and only fried garlic.
3. i like FANN WONG:)
4. i cant drink milk in the morning, if nt id get a tummy ache.
5. i sleep facedown, and have a blanket. i need security la, very insecure. oh, i talk in my sleep too:)
6.i dont understand the lord of the rings.
can i dont tag anybody? haha. nobody to tag la!


Sunday, June 18, 2006

hello again:) fathers day was a blast.not.
anyway. ke has dengue:( poor little girl. go away mosquitoes.shooo. im lazy to go for lit tmr eh.how?
i think ke would be reading this tmr. so....

thats probably what happened.my hse is crawling with ants. i swear. i hope they dont carry any fever or what.


1 week to ccts and approx 1 mth to my piano exam. im so DEAD!! i should start tinkling on that keyboard. not this one:( bah.


Favourite Colour: grrrrreeeen:)
Favourite Food: grilled fish
Favourite Song: girl next door-saving jane
Favourite Movie: Shanghai Knights. i know its stupid, but hey, theres fann wong:)
Favourite Sport: Sitting
Favourite Day of the Week:SUNDAYY
Favourite Season: seasony
Favourite Ice Cream: ben and jerry's phish food

Current Mood: happy and sad and awake and sleepy
Current taste: anything to make my throat worse
Current Clothes: faded op tee and fbt shorts
Current Desktop: kusumi,giraffe and i at xcountry05, as cola cans
Current Toenail Colour: natural color,except for the big toes on both feet, which have a tips painted black. since PROM.HAHAHA!! am i gross or what.
Curent Time: 1206 hours
Current Surroundings: living room
Current Annoyances: the radio. its blasting oldies:(
Current Thoughts: What should i wear to church later?

First Best Friends: this idiotic bitch. i hate her now btw.
First Crush: shant tell you:)
First movie: Lion King, i think. i cried.
First Lie: cant rmb. ive told like 486387638435456 lies
First Music: uhh, twinkletwinkle little star?

Last Cigarette: hasnt even started
Last Drink: water:(
Last Crush: my mashed potatoes:(
Last Movie: Xmen3
Last Phone Call: cant rmb.
Last CD played: some ballroom dancing thing.HA!

Have you ever:
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: whats considered dated?
Have you ever broken the law: ya.
Have you ever been arrested: uhh no. would i tell you even if i had
Have you ever skinny-dipped: no. do you think i should? HAHA!
Have you ever been on TV: NO. im camera shy.heh.why dont you make me famous:D
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: nah. my kisses are precious okay. cannt any how

5 things you are wearing: red lacy thong and nothing else. dyou believe me ;)
4 things you done today: inhaled, exhaled, bathed and ate
3 things you can hear right now: the piano, radio and the frying pan
1 thing you do when you are bored: i do this kinda thing


Saturday, June 17, 2006


RE, your lover!! anyway, its the name of this huge circle thingy too.


anyway, current dad situation.
phone: RINGRINGRING (it doesnt really go ringring but some weird tune instead, but
ringring IS the way phones talk eh:))
dad: somebody go answer the phone!
evelyn: my hands are full, cant you answer it?
dad: i wont answer phones anymore cos its never my call.
evelyn: huh? so what?
dad: cos im smart!!!

okay. wth. im proud to present to you, my dad the genius. he wishes. stupid idiot. and since tmr is fathers day, he can just dream on about getting anything frm me. so much for being smart.


Friday, June 16, 2006

remind me about how horrible my life is.

this entry shall be about tkgs string ensemble.
i was just thinking bout how much i miss string. yes, i DO miss string. and to think that i spent four yrs in teekay trying to come up with excuses to pon practices.HAHA.
things i miss: 1.carrying my cello to sch
2.trying to look like a pro in cello
3. irritating my sl by disturbing her during practice
4. refusing to practice during sectionals, or going there
super late
5. reading seventeen/eight days during practices
6. complaining abt having to go for string
7. hiding in the toilet with strawberry shortcake or rebecca
8. preparing for the one and only concert i ever played in
9. the comfort of slacking in an aircon rm
10. oh, and i miss irritating ms yeo too.HAHA
things i DONT miss: 1. certain horrible people
2. having to TRY to tune my cello
3. getting scolded when i cant play properly, which is
most of the time

if only tp had a string:( stupid school. see now, im stuck in odac. totally shit.i should start a string ensemble cca. anyone wanna join:)


Friday, June 09, 2006

If You Like A Lot Of Evelyn On Your Biscuit, Join Our Club.

Things Go Better with Evelyn.

:)))) try it!http://www.thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi?
it takes veryvery little to make me happy.HAHA!

idontcareidontcareidontcareidontcareidontcareidontcareidontcareidontcare.okay, fine. i do.


oh my gosh. odac actually has a blog.HAHAHAHAHA!! isnt it weirdly funny? funnily weird? whatever.


the greeneyed monster is eating me up): im a jealous grumpy old fool.


HAHA! im back home for twentyfour hrs(: so yea, isolation at pasir ris was not bad. with the company of cable.went to my 'favourite' place on earth, tm. to meet giraffe and kangkang for lunch on tues. stupid lhy was being a pig and refused to wake up. i mustve called her hse at least ten times to TRY to wake her.kang laughed her ass off when i told her im in odac): stupid girl. i still HATE to run anyway. oh, and the yrbk has been returned. should i be happy or sad? bah. and if its nt raining later, im going to the night safari:) yay.


Monday, June 05, 2006

my sissy's gt an ipod nano for her birthday. mums gt a palm too. and what did i get for my last birthday, a tshirt.))):
im so veryvery jealous): bah. and no comp for me for twelve days): dad's company bungalow till friday, then saturday till next friday, the philippines. i dont wanna go.
oh, and i realised that i can actually make it for the ltc camp. but wth, i dont wanna go:) so im not gonna tell them. anyway, im so screwed cos i havent even started studying for ccts:(
i wanna go for a ride in a hotair balloon:)


Saturday, June 03, 2006

im sad:( i really give up. goodbye mashed potatoes.


im so not in the photo but who cares. potato's in it:)


ytd, went to starbucks and rekeli blew 30 plus dollars there. oh, and onions with potato salad is yummy. slacked there till 1plus and went down to teekay. strawberry shortcake was late! HAHA! anyway, luckily that ms ho wasnt there. i hate her i really do:( stomped arnd the sch. and then went to parkway. oh, and qq's hair is longer. then i rolled home.
and xiao hui walked home frm tp ytd. she took 1.5 hrs. i was timing. shes totally nuts.HAHA!

todays gonna be boring:( i think mara's off to the czech republic already.
why do i always meet people i dont wanna meet? yet dont getta meet those i want to:(


bah. nehneh tagged me to do this stupid thing. but id do it cos im nice:)
okayy, here goes:

10years ago i was: in my lovely mbs uniform, taking the sch bus to sch.
5 years ago: pretty much the same, but with a slightly more corrupted mind
1 year ago: in teekay, all greened and listening to barouque/classical/romantic/20thcentury music once a wk. not forgetting dido and aeneas:D

five snacks i enjoy: only five?? ohwell. anything potatoish:) gelato

five songs i know all the words to: twinkletwinkle little star, barney song, baabaa black sheep, trulymadlydeeply, lucky. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

five things i would like to do with 100million dollars:
1. buy an island (rekeli island:))
2. buy a yacht and sail arnd in it with potato and maybe if mara is good he can come along;)
3. get evrything i want
4. donate to the spca. and adopt some cats and dogs too.HA!
5 put it in the bank or invest somewhere. i want more money:)

five places i would like to run away to:
1. teeejay:)
2. hawaii
3. switzerland
4. paris
5. heaven:)

five things i would never wear:
1. stuff with shoulder pads. god, id look like a bouncer.
2. reallyreally short, tight, skirts.
3. itchy, lacy stuff
4. spongebob guy thong. HAHAHAHA!!
5. dentures:)

five bad habits:
1. daydreaming/fantasizing :)
2. dumping my stuff on the floor
3. burping out loud
4. eating stuff that has dropped onto the table/floor. im a glutton:(
5. too fidgety

five biggest joys:
1. mashed potatoes:)
2. my mum and sissy
3. friends
4. having hair on my head
5. being female:D

five favourite toys:
1. my ernie
2. lego blocks
3. those play kitchen/picnic thingies
4. doll house?
5. shuffle

five fictional characters i would date:
mashed potatoes mashed potatoes.

i shall be nice and not tag anybody, cos i dont know who to tag. HAHAHA! i feel like ive just written in one of those primary sch autograph book things:)


Friday, June 02, 2006

my blog has a huge absence of photos:(


a really quick entry now, im gonna have to scram soon, meeting re and ke for brkfast:) havent seen ke for eons.
shes the man ytd. twas quite worth our effort eh vanehneh and xiao hui:)
anyway kusumi's leaving today and she refuses to tell me what time shes leaving:( i cant send her off.
going back to teekay again later after chi in sch to collect cert. this is the second time this week. finally im gonna see strawberry shortcake and qq.HAHA!
anyway, evryone disagrees that potato looks like mara. i think i like potato more than mara now:)


Thursday, June 01, 2006

ive gt the yrbk ive gt the yrbk ive gt the yrbk:)))))))))
im gonna stare at the photo till my eyes burn a hole thru the book. HAHAHA!!
sad things now, i think mara's taken:( kusumi didnt have dinner with us ytd, went back to teekay, and meeting the teachers was horrendous. i HATE miss ho. stoopid evil bitch. grrrrr.
oh, and i woke up at the ungodly hour of six am ytd. its the hols okay. i think im the bestest friend on earth. HAHAHA!!
i reallyreally wanted to go for the choir concert): hmph. re, why did you hafta quit choir!!
