



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

im back:) im the pimp for cockroach, justines the customer and res the assistant of cockroach. and yes, im a veryvery good pimp, cos cockroach has two clients today. not bad eh;)
im going to TEEJAY tmr!!!! hoping to catch a glimpse of potato. im starved you see.
ohh, giraffe just called. i swear tt shes such a meanie.
giraffe: hello, evelyn ah.
evelyn: ya
giraffe: you knowwhat? your that one is standing with cheryl and amelia in frnt of
evelyn: eh, pass the phone to him eh.
giraffe: NO!! HAHAHAH!!
giraffe is the horriblest person in the whole world. and im gonna have to treat her lunch just to get her to bring the cchms yrbk):

okayokay, kusumi is finally back:) but by friday she'd be gone:(
anyway, replies here. cos the tagboards getting lively:D

yelsel: haha. im baaaackk. you saw me today didnt you. and i was entertaining, no?:)
irra: HAHAAH! tell mara i miss him too! class outing:D
missy: ya! i bet he will XD
justine: of course i know. yes, you are slow. veryvery. and you are so kiasu, post your comment
twice.tsktsk. rmb your meeting with cockroach. and rmb to tip me:) if you have further
needs, please contact me, your friendly neighbourhood pimp!
vanessa: haha! its not my homepage la. whats a homepage huh? the trip was fine:) oh and i love
that song:)


Friday, May 26, 2006

All hands on deck
Don't abandon the ship
You'll never know
what it could have been
All hands on deck
my ship is sinking
Don't let me go,
don't let me drown

im so addicted to this song, all thanks to vanehneh. i shall now only listen to my bibbetty, bobbetty boo songs on my shuffle, to make myself happy:)

leaving for msia tmr morning, back on mon night. byebye world try not to miss me too much:)


i want my mashed potatoes:(
its gonna be a whole month before i see King Ant I and i highly doubt if id ever see King Ant II ever again:( yesyes, it is terribly saddenning

IM THE QUEEN ANT:) oh, and suying, you are a cockroach. im gonna get my ants to eat you up:)
oh ya, do ants lay eggs? i dont know.

anyway, we ordered macs to sch ytd. twas all soggy but still great tho. re had a fun time talking to the macs people on the phone eh.
oh, and know what, i have gotten the kayaking contact list. you know what that means:)

ytd, was good and bad.
good: saw **** just before econs, which made it tons better
rekeli took 12 to bugis cos **** was on it:)
ate sinful food:)
bad: flunked econs:(
two aunties and a cab driver scolded me:(

::::: good : bad = 3 : 2 :::::

tadaaaaa, ytd was a GOOD day. todays gonna be dead boring. im rotting at home.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

today is a horrid day:( i should've gone to school. oh why didnt i. bah.


sad songs make me sad:(

where'd you go? i miss you so. seems like its been forever, that you've been gone. please come back home.

anyway, ytd was just plain weird. some fugly teacher caught ke and i for drawstring and tried to make us pull it out. like wth la. eighty percent of the sch has em. the worst is tt she didnt catch re! this is SO unfair.hahahha. i think i must have been blocking her. too bad no ones big enough to block me:( ohh, and tt idiot re gave me a whack on the back during gp. twas so darn loud. of course studying in the library was totally unfruitful. didnt even manage to do lit:( spent most of the time laughing at random people in the cedar yearbook.HAHAHAHHA!!
ohh, and giraffe, rmb to help me find out abt that one okay:)


Sunday, May 21, 2006

bah:( my legs are all terribly bruised. its as if i was beaten up. it hurts. oh and know what, one of the kayaking instructors looks so much like mara:) anyway, re and i saw a condom and many dead fish. how gross is that. lit's nt done yet:( looks like im nt gonna get much sleep tonight:(
but im glad im alive:)


Friday, May 19, 2006

woah ive been blogging daily:D this is good. no? hahahahaha. i dont wanna wake up early tmr:(
and my shoes are smellywellybelly. and i hafta wear them for two more days:( anyone wanna sponsor me a pair of new shoes? how bout you?


dragon boating at kallang. nordin wanted to force evryone to take the bus back to sch cos he had already hired the bus. suddenly, a lot of people lived at kallang. anyway, re helped me to carry my uniform all the way back to her hse. hah. luckily im meeting her tmr for kayaking. its good to have a friend with a GIGANTIC bag:)
its three consecutive days of seasport stuff:( im gonna be burnt. and i gt scolded by tt bloody pw teacher today i swear shes biased:( i cant even draw her to make fun of her cos shes nt even that ugly and well, i can only draw terribly ugly people. bah. i drew the maths lecturer and ratface today:) twas funny like hell.
oh, and i saw mara hug a girl today:((((((((((
but i think shes just a friend lah.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

the magic number is THREE!! my third post of the day. completely forgt about the audi incident.anyway, me, vanehneh, re, ke and suying wanted to go to audi for some aircon. then we were singing on stage and decided tt it would be a great idea to change at the back of the audi cos theres aircon. as i was buttoning my shirt, we heard male voices. the other slowpokes hadnt changed yet and they ran out in thier pe attire. so i ran out in my shirt and shorts. all those idiot construction workers fault. who sayid they could go into the audi. idiots. its sacred ground okay. anyway, there was an adrenaline rush, soo i hope i've lost a few calories. oh wth, i guess i gained them all back eating my donut and bubbletea:(


vanehneh <3s watermelon
happy now?:)


my internet windows are just closing randomly. friendster just cant seem to open. anyway, i MUST wake up early tmr. its the last chance this week. if you know what i mean. HAHAHA! and im gonna KILL rina. she actually wrote ***mara on the table without me knowing. thank god she wrote in in chalk. today was fun. i totally didnt pay attention during econs. was busy helping: re, ke, vanehneh, suying, xiaohui, gen, shar and irra. to write: i <3>. oh, and i can only draw ugly people. eg FUGLY!! and ke drew mara. doesnt even look like him lah.
its currently seven forty pm and im the only one home. why):
oh, and i saw ang wee jin in the tpjc yearbook.HAHAHAHA!!
and i am rather random, i suppose:)
dear GOD, please let me see mara on the bus to sch tmr. in jesus' most precious name i pray. AMEN.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

todays such an embarrasing day. bah. mara must think tt im mad. hist lesson was probably the best ever. oh yes, and i DO admit tt im EA (easily amused). have you ever heard of gorilla glue?:D
im so happy cos im actually terribly sad. hah.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

i just realised tt i can touch the ceiling when i jump on my bed. yes, econs is tt boring. boooooo:(
woah, three posts in a single day. nt bad:)


Get to know yourself better http://www.quizbox.com/personality/test82.aspx
Your view on yourself:Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
Your views on education Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.
How do you view success:You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

this is nt very true:( im nt feeling very happy today.


shit. my parents are so gonna divorce. dammit.
mummy said tt i hafta do well and bring her and my sissy farfarfar away frm my dad.
i want to.
but HOW???
evenings and nights are always depressing and i find myself looking forward to school more and more.
its either a hot war or a cold war. why is there neverever a time when things are just fine? why cant my daddy just be normal:(


Sunday, May 14, 2006

its seven am on a sunday morning and im awake:( i cant sleep la. mebbe its just cos i slept at 9 ytd. my teeth are hurting cos im wearing them bloody retainers. hadta force them onto my teeth, cos they're so bloody crooked.
OHH MY GOODNESS! its mother's day today. and i havent even made/bought anything for mummy. shit.

The name origin and meaning of Evelyn
Name: Evelyn
Gender: (Female)
Origin: Celtic
Meaning: Lively, pleasant



Friday, May 12, 2006

HAHAHA! the sch does block porn sites.
oh, and please do visit rekeli island:)
photo frm re's blog.


the stars are falling out. those on my nails, i mean. ytd, after the horrible gp test, rekeli headed to parkway to cheer ourselves up. we bought icecream and i gt icecream on my nose and ke, being so nice to me told me only after about five mins, during which we were walking arnd i bet re the blur queen didnt even realise.probably thought twas some huge pimple or something. IMAGINE.
ive forgotten what else happened.
OH YES. re bought nice gold glittery star nail polish frm (dont laugh now) chameleon. and we sat down and started painting our nails. SOME BLOODY COMMUNISTS hadta walk past and snigger at us. but we being the nice, happy and peaceful people just let them walk away unharmed. i wld have liked very much to make them eat up the nail polish. but tt wld be such a waste. then we went home.
sch was full of fun cos we ponned history and went to pig out in the canteen. mara was there:) food sucked so we threw half away and ran out to buy waffles and donuts five mins before econs. ran most of the way back to find tt ratface had nt even reached. i hate her. cos she told me to put my blotters away when i was having so much fun playing with them. blotting up the oil frm the waffles.
i saw mara a grand total of five times today:D


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

today started off really shitty but gt better and better after lessons ended:)
shitty thing #1: i woke up late and hadta run for the bus, cos i was afraid tt mara wld take tt bus. shitty thing #2: i went for chinese and realised i had forgotten to wear my *** ***s, and there
was supposed to be dragonboating, and i was so sure i wld drop into the water.
shitty thing #3: i was looking all around for mara, but mara was nowhere to be found. i was sad.
shitty thing #4: cheng was in such a foul mood and two periods of tutorials just killed my brain.
and she kept on calling me xiaohui, tho i didnt realise at first, due to the dead
brain. she fired me with her stoopid qns. she was so angry tt it was so amusing
and evryone was just laughing.which made her even angrier of course.
shitty thing #5:
lesleys stoopid remedios was going on and on abt how males are superior to
females. like wth. when i was desperately trying to drown my sorrow in sleep.

then...THE SHITTY THINGS STOPPED!!! peien called me to say tt she had spotted mara, when i was waiting outside the odac room. after i rushed to the stadium to see mara, he looked hot btw, i heard tt dragonboating was cancelled(which is a good thing). lesley being the pig tt she is refused to follow me to go support tennis( i hadta support to repay peien for her great act of kindness:D) so i barbecued myself under the sun, while watching a neongreen ball zoom around. the coach freaks me out.hah. and i saw mara running past and jumping hurdles. twas simply great:D
i have concluded tt bow is my jinx but mara brings me luck, cos i saw bow like456513 times today during sch time, when all the shitty things happened, and mara only after sch when all the goood things happened.HAHAHAHAHA.this is such a longlong entry.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006



theres hist test tmr but i dont care! today is a happy day.
oral was GREAT! as if. twas the worst ever. i was so worried tt mara would walk past and hear my horrible chinese and die of laughter. ohhh, and flagraising was great! the flagpoles were screwed so the flags were at halfmast and i exclaimed rather loudly 'somebody died issit?' but flagraising wasnt great cos of this.hah. its a secret:)
i hope mara takes the bus tmr.
shit. im so obsessed. somebody slap me please.


Monday, May 08, 2006

if youre happy and you know it clap your hands
if youre happy and you know it clap your hands
if youre happy and you know it and you really want to show it
if youre happy and you know it clap your hands

if youre happy and you know it stamp your feet
if youre happy and you know it stamp your feet
if youre happy and you know it and you realy want to show it
if youre happy and you know it stamp your feet

im not clapping my hands or stamping my feet:((((
this is nt good. i feel like crap.


Sunday, May 07, 2006

mamasans!!!:D the poor tormented feather boa. HAHAHAHA!


Saturday, May 06, 2006

im sad:( and obsessed. i know its useless. tts why im sad. i wanna sleep my life away.slept for sixteen hours today.nothings going right at all. blahblahblah. sports day ytd. we, meaning rekeli, slipped outta sch after it started pouring and cheng hadta leave her spot on the kerb in frnt of the gate. went shopping, and yup, i love chunky accessories.hah. pic of the two mamasans nxt time round.
-the obsession has officially started:(


Monday, May 01, 2006

hello:)the family's screwed now. my dad just shouted at my sis to nt eat his ice cream. how childish.its heriditary i suppose.wonder what he wants to do with three tubs of haagen daz.tt idiot man. i guess tts why i never wanna get married. nt tt anyone wld wanna marry me of course. just imagine if my husband ends up like tt. i might just murder him.ha.single i shall remain till i die.evelyn<3s evelyn
