



Skin made by vintage.veggie using Adobe Photoshop CS2. Inspiration was from crazydoghnut. It would be greatly appreciated if you do not remove any of the resources here. The cassava says thanks. :D

Resources: x x x


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

hello:D havent blogged in ages eh. anyway i think the class is fine. i have ODAC camp on friday thru sat. im gonna die. why do i always do such stoopid things i.e signing up for odac. i havent even stayed overnight in school before. howhowhowhowhow??
oh, and i have to come up with a basic plan for three PIs by tmr. and i havent even started how great is tt. my msn is screwed. cant talk to kusumi. boo:(


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

okay fine. i do nt hate my class. i shall be positive:D look at me smile.


Monday, March 20, 2006

puhlease god. bring back the old 06a01. i miss it. id be really good. i promise.


four words. i HATE my class. majority anyway.there are bloody rude people who dont bother to answer you when you talk to them. like wth okay. dammit. i shall go appeal for change of subject combi. i hope the sch wld accept it. i dont wanna be stuck in this damn class for two yrs. bloody hell. ive gt nothing against sportspeople, but those in my class only talk abt trainings etc. and have their own private convs. today chinese finished early, and i somehow ended up sitting with a grp of total strangers for twenty mins,listening to their conversation. like a dumb idiot.
OH. and the chinese groupings are based on results of chinese os. imagine tt. and apparently its gonna be the same for gp too.

-friggin pissed.dammit.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

im leaving in a few hrs.heheh.will be back on sun.
byebye world. try nt to miss me too much:D


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

i noe how to sew! im so proud of myself okay:) and i altered my uniform. hahahaha. it still looks horrible tho.whattodowhattodo.
evrybodys gt a laughing place, a laughing place to go~
evelyn loves her sissy. heres proof:

twas us, abt 10 yrs ago(oh gosh, i feel so old)

heres us NOW!!!


Monday, March 13, 2006

they asked me why i believe in you.
truth is, i really dont know:)


vietnam on wed. ahhh. do i really hafta go? hmph.no choice eh. and i cant believe i actually sang an early birthday song for kusumi.i must have been nuts.she had better be thankful.hahaha.:)im so sad i wont be able to wish her happy birthday on her real birthday. this hol is useless.i cant even meet up with the mep gang, cos id nt be arnd half the time ang dey are all so veryveryery busy. im like the freest person ever. hah. no cg outing for me too. ohh. i tidied my room today. sortof. at least i can see the table now. something which wld nt have been possible ytd. with the huge stack of rubbish on it:)) somebody congratulate me:D


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

me and my stoopid broad shoulders.how i hate them. hmph. bought the uniform today. its so friggin long. what cca shld i join ah? watever. no more weird basketball dreams this time.hah. i have a problem organising my thots.haahaha. i was LATE today. all the damn tweleve's fault, and those pple who insisted on squeezing up the bus altho there was obviously no space left. hmph.i dont think i gt scolded ytd. most prob a misunderstanding on my part.hahaha:)
omg, kusumi, im like so damn scared for you. its so freaky. hope u'd never hafta experience it again:)


Thursday, March 02, 2006

more pics:D

this is the number pose.wats mr koh looking at??

bored. hohumm


something disgusting0.o

twas supposed to be formal. but look at azie.tsktsk.

stare at what

this is what we do with leftovers.issnt it cute?
cuifang: rice
adora: veggies and chilli
evelyn: chilli and lemon.
the cleaning lady cldnt bear to clear it.hahaha:)


hellohello:D today was just tiring. went to tp first then sa. the entire time we spent at sa was plain problematic. had to continually explain to really puzzled teachers, security guards etc why we were there. only to have them reply ' whats there to see here?'..total frustration.ugh. and it was walkwalkwalk. oh. and before tt, when we went to toa payoh interchange, a 31 just drove off without any passengers. whywhywhy. anyway, tt bus driver was carrying a huge bag, and we were speculating wat might be inside. hahaha. im sure its nt ovaltine biscuits, cuifang. ate at a coffee shop.banmian:D i like. as we were walking on the overhead bridge leaving sa, at abt seven eighth of the way, adora suddenly said ' shldnt we be going the other way?' AHHH!! we had to like get off the bridge again lah.hmph.anyway, we took like 4568751 photos in sch, and someone had this GREAT idea to climb up this super steep grassy slope to take a foto with the letters tpjc. i was so friggin scared tt i wld just roll down. took ages to climb up and go down, and made evrybody wait for me,im so very sorry. but im so proud of myself, now tt ive done it. im still scared tho.hahaha.
now for the pics (theres more to come)

joy and i.

cuifang and adora. with leqian's hair.

tkgians unite. hahaha.(frm left to right)
frnt row: sahu, cuifang and amal
back row: evelyn and adora

unite again. to save the world!
adora looks like she wants to punch someone:)

and again.


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

ponned school today. would've been great if nt for reading kang's msg when i woke up at eleven tt she was crashing tp. of all days i tell you.hmph. and just when i was so tempted to rush to school, she told me tt she was leaving. so..went to bugis instead, where i bought a bag. hohohoho:D
oh, and kusumi, tts the most ridiculous picture i have ever seen okay. i command you to delete it NOW!!! hahaha. i laughed till my sides hurt.

somebody tell me tt u've invented a time machine. i want to relive 21st of november twothousandandfive over and over again. evrybody's just so busy. except me.which kinda sucks.
